Apply my knowledge of data analysis, signal processing, and computer modeling to the solution of complex ocean and atmospheric problems. Interests include: data telemetry, networking, compressive sensing, time reversal, beamforming, matched field processing, propagation modeling, internal waves, and other signal processing techniques.
Ph.D., Oceanography, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, September 2003
Thesis title: "Underwater communication using time reversal."
B.S., Physics, University of California, San Diego, June 1997
Summa Cum Laude, Malmberg award, Phi Beta Kappa
2006-present Research Physicist
Acoustics Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC 20375
- Research in applications of signal processing to active sonar. Applied compressive sensing to ASW.
- Underwater acoustic communications between near-bottom and shallow water nodes. Physical (primary) and networking layer design as well as cognitive radio.
- Environmental estimation. Modeling acoustic propagation with range-dependent propagation effects such as temperature, topography, and high flow (in the ocean and atmosphere).
- Scientist, planner, and participant in various at-sea experiments.
2004-2006 ASEE Post-doctoral Fellow
Acoustics Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC 20375
- Researching applications of time-reversal to active sonar.
- Scientist participating in/planning at-sea time-reversal experiment.
1997-2004 Research Assistant
Applied Ocean Science, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, CA 92037
- Application of time-reversal to acoustic communications.
- Scientist participating in at-sea time-reversal experiments.
- Quantified and ameliorated fluctuations due to ocean medium variability.
- Enhanced time-reversal communications using adaptive channel equalization.
Other Activities
Chair Public Relations Committee, Acoustical Society of America. 2006-2009
Public Relations Committee, Acoustical Society of America. 2003-2006, 2009-present
Underwater Technical Committee, Acoustical Society of America. 2006-present
Acoustical Oceanography Technical Committee, Acoustical Society of America. 2011-present
Student Council, Acoustical Society of America. 2001-2003
Student Web Page of Ocean Acoustic Library. 2000-2002
Teaching Experience
University of California, San Diego 1997
Teaching Assistant for Physics 1C (an introductory course in electromagnetics).